GLISS® B because of its consistency, fluidity and very low evaporation level is recommended for cable laying in plastic piping, even in segments several km long.
may be applied both manually, by pouring it directly onto the cable during the installation process, or by means of compressed-air cable laying equipment. Using compressed air will make it go further and will greatly reduce the quantity required.
For further information, see the technical data sheet.
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GLISS® Spray Foam
GLISS® SPRAY FOAM has been designed to facilitate the job of electricians installing wiring systems in civil structures GLISS® SPRAY FOAM uses theGLISS® F
GLISS® F reduces by up to 90% the friction generated when installing electrical cables, telephone cables, coaxial cables and optical fibreEASYCABLE
EASYCABLE eliminates 70% of the friction during in cable laying and removal, making the cable slide in and out with ease in any situation FirstGLISS® GEL
GLISS® GEL has been designed to eliminate the friction generated when installing heavy power cables in plastic ducts GLISS® GEL reduces friction